DigiKey API products have shared principals, including OAuth, TLS, Access Control, Rate Limits, and Status Codes.
Developer Documentation
Developers register a client application to access DK API Solutions. The Sandbox is meant to be a safe way to test client application development against an API which will provide a valid data response structure..
To make a production call to DigiKey APIs a developer must create, or be a member of, an organization. An Organization can have one or more members...
OAuth 2.0: 2 Legged Flow
For use with Product Information V4, both Sandbox and Production, follow a basic pattern when making requests to a DigiKey API with the OAuth 2.0 framework.
OAuth 2.0:クライアントアプリケーション
All client applications, both Sandbox and Production, follow a basic pattern when making requests to a DigiKey API with the OAuth 2.0 framework.
SDKs and Tools
Digi-Key GitHub リポジトリ
Digi-Key APIクライアントライブラリ:JavaとC#
Digi-Key Postman Collection:Sandbox環境用と本番環境用